We will make sure we protect you
What checks do we undertake?
Face to face interviews with all of our candidates. All interviews will be carried out by an experienced, trained and skilled education consultant. All interview questions are based around safer recruitment practice.
Full employment history checks. We will account for all employment history including verification of any gaps in employment.
Identification checks. ID checks of documentation specified by the DfE, REC and the DBS.
Qualifications. Copies will be held on file of all relevant and in date qualifications.
Eligibility to work (ETW) checks. ETW checks will be carried out at the interview stage on all candidates.
Proof of address (POA). All to be within 3 months and an approved POA.
Employment reference checking. References will be sent to all relevant employers and checked by management before moving on to the next stage of the registration and vetting process. These will all be kept on file and will ask all the relevant safeguarding and disciplinary questions required to work in education.
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). All candidates will have a DBS that is portable through the DBS Update Service and able to be checked when necessary. (DBS checks will be done every term)
TP Online check – TP online is used to check whether a teacher is on the Barred List, maintained by the Department for Education. (Checked every term)
Safeguarding training. All our staff will have at least a Level 1 certificate in Safeguarding as per the DfE’s guidelines.
FE Tutors relevant checks. All FE Tutors / Teachers will be advised to register with the Education and Training Foundation as well as obtaining their QTLS certificate. (Checked every term)
National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL). The National College for Teaching and Leadership will be checked to identify any referrals or restrictions on any QTS or QTLS teachers or tutors. (Checked every term)
Medical questionnaires. All candidates will complete a health questionnaire in accordance with Education 2003 Regulations (Health Standards).
Disqualification by Association. All relevant candidates will complete a Disqualification by Association form as per the DfE guidelines.